Monday 29 April 2013

Dragonborn - At the Summit of Apocrypha

Once you have the Bend Will Shout unlocked read the Black Book Waking Dreams and you will be transported to Apocrypha, Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion.

Follow the paths and complete the chapters.

In chapter 6 use the shout on the dragon Sahrotaar which will tame him. He will land and offer to take you to Miraak. Fly Sahrotaar to the large tower circled by dragons. As you reach the top, Miraak will scold Sahrotaar for being so easily swayed by you. Once you land, approach Miraak, who will explain that his time in Apocrypha is done, and that although you are powerful, you are still subject to Miraak's power. Miraak will then conclude that the final key for his escape is your soul, and with it he will be strong enough to return to Solstheim.

The conversation will be over quickly and then battle with Miraak will commence. Miraak is pretty tough as his health is weakened, he will enter an invulnerable state and return to full health by sacrificing a dragon, of which there are three, so be prepared.

When Miraak's health is low enough, he will move to the center of the area in an attempt to escape. At this point, Hermaeus Mora will intervene, claiming that Miraak can hide nothing from him in his realm.

The Daedric Prince then impales Miraak with a tentacle, and explains to Miraak that his death is insignificant, as he has found a new Dragonborn to 'serve' him. As Miraak dies, he wishes upon you  the same fate he is about to suffer, and then disintegrates into nothing but bones as his soul departs from his body and is absorbed by you.

Return to the Skaal and tell them all is well.

Monday 22 April 2013

Dragonborn - The Secrets of the Skaal

Once you finish the Gardner of Men Quest Miraak send the Dragon, Krosulhah to defeat you. Kill the dragon and then travel to the Skaal village and speak to Storn.

Even though the Skaal have been keeping the secrets away from Hermaeus Mora for years, Storn will agree to your request,give him the book and follow him to the center of town, where he will read it.

Hermaeus Mora will kill Storn during the process of absorbing the secrets, but in return for his death, you will be taught the final word of Bend Will.

Once you have the final Word you can now face Miraak.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Dragonborn - The Gardener of Men

I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed playing these 'other world' zones in Dragonborn whereas I hated the similar 'other world' zones in Oblivion., second only to the stupid leveling system.

For a walk-through I am quoting from the UESP interspersed with my own pictures.

Chapter I
By reading the Black Book Epistolary Acumen, you are transported to the realm of Hermaeus Mora, Apocrypha. If this is your first trip (not counting the one where you first meet Miraak), Hermaeus Mora, who appears floating above the platform as a tentacled eyeball, will then speak to you and tell of Apocrypha's wealth of knowledge and lure towards those who seek it. Activate the scrye at the center of the platform to open up a bridge over the sickly-green water. Jump onto the moving passage, taking care not to fall in and continue along. Hop off at the next platform to activate a second scrye and lower a second bridge. Finally, use the moving platform to access the bridge and read Chapter II, which lies on a pedestal.

Chapter II
Travel down the narrow pathway and activate another scrye. This opens up the walls to create a larger platform for you to battle a lurker and a couple of seekers. Once they are dealt with, activate a scrye off to the side in order to open up the large gate across from it. Through it is Chapter III.

Chapter III
Eliminate the seekers in the room and continue onward. To the left, there is a font of magicka surrounded by a pool of poisonous water that will restore your magicka reserves. There is another one located at the top of the stairs, where you will also encounter a moving passage similar to the one encountered in Chapter I. If you choose to get off at the closest platform, you will be greeted by a lurker and two seekers. Drop down below for a large fighting space, then activate the scrye off to the side and around a corner in order to return to the starting platform. The last and farthest platform contains two seekers and a pod full of loot with a font of magicka hanging on either side.
To reach Chapter IV, do not jump on the platforms. Instead, activate the scrye at the end of the moving passage to open the gate. Defeat the two seekers and continue to walk until you arrive at a lurker. At the end of the path, you will need to activate yet another scrye to open the gates in front of you. Use the font of stamina if you wish and continue on, avoiding the tentacles that reach out at you from the water. Eliminate the seekers as you walk down the path to your destination.

Chapter IV
A Daedric Prince wants to make a deal
You will recognize the location below the platform as the setting of Chapter III. Loot the vessel to the left and activate the scrye. Walk up to the Black Book: Epistolary Acumen and read it to summon Hermaeus Mora. He will congratulate you and teach you the second word to Bend Will. He continues to tell you that you cannot hope to surpass Miraak without the last word of power, but offers it at a price: knowledge for knowledge, he requests the Skaal shaman, Storn Crag-Strider. Once the conversation has ended, you may choose from one of three powers emanating from the Black Book:
  • Dragonborn Flame — When your Fire Breath shout kills an enemy, a Fire Wyrm emerges from the corpse to fight for you for 60 seconds.
  • Dragonborn Force — Your Unrelenting Force shout does more damage and may disintegrate enemies.
  • Dragonborn Frost — Your Frost Breath shout encases foes in ice.
Only one ability from the book may be accepted at a time. To return to Solstheim, use the Black Book in front of you or access it from your inventory.

Next the Secrets of the Skaal.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Dragonborn - The Path of Knowledge

Basically this quest requires you to find the Black Books which are the source of Miraak's power and use them to destroy him.

You need to head off to Neloth a Telvanni Wizard in Tel Mithryn who has one of the Black Books.

I loved the varied areas and different architecture of each Dunmer Tribe in Morrowind but never really went for the Mushroom houses. My preference was for the Hlaalu style of house in Balmora and the player house in the game was the best IMHO followed by the Redoran and the Telvani last. Having said that the rendition of the Mushroom houses in Dragonborn are so much better and I can now see the huge appeal they had in Morrowind.

You may pass a nice reference to Morrowind by seeing a strider on your way to Neloth. Unfortunately you cant use it to go anywhere, a missed opportunity I thought.

Another reference to Morrowind is getting up to Neloth's chamber. I know I loved the 'Boots of the Apostle' in Morrowind and used them all the time to levitate.

When you ask Neloth about the Black Books he tells you that the one he has is of no use but he know where one is that will help.

Follow him to a Dwemer ruin called Nchardak.
You need to go through the several sequences to get to the Black Book 'Epistolary Acumen' and all in all it is a very interesting quest. I loved the attention to detail and the design of the Dwemer Ruin and that goes for all of Skyrim as a whole.

Once you read the book the next quest starts, The Gardner of Men.