Tuesday 16 December 2014

Elder Scrolls 6 - Some Great Ideas'

I have been looking around feverishly for news of the next Elder Scrolls game and rumours pointed to an announcement at the Game Awards 2014, unfortunately nothing was confirmed.

Fans are expecting it to be set in Argonia, which makes me think of Morrowing and the swampy areas south of Balmora. I loved the Rethan Manor the player could own there, it was the best of the 3 in my opinion.

In my search I cam across some good ideas, by johnnyk82 on gamefaqs.com web forum, for improvements to Skyrim which I list below with my comments in blue.

  1. Rework the skill/leveling/character creation system. Right now, there is very little difference between the races, because other than their innate powers (which seem to have been toned down), their skill bonuses can easily be made up for rather quickly. I also think it's lame that any character can become a master at everything. What I would do is bring back major and minor skills - Make major skills have a cap of 100, minor skills have a cap of 50 and miscellaneous skills have a cap of 25. I would also change the racial skill bonuses to be increases in the caps, not an increase in the starting skill level (so potentially you could go over 100). I agree with this idea, the races should not be so similar that it really does not matter who you play as.

So basically, when you create a character, before you even pick your race, all skills will have a cap of 25. Then you pick your race and you'd get your level cap bonuses, then you pick your major and minor skills to get those level cap bonuses.

2. As a tie-in to the first point, I want the racial powers/abilities/disadvantages/trade-offs to be more pronounced. Again definitely want the risk/reward to be greater.

3. As others have mentioned, make the guilds more exclusive - i.e. Need skill requirements to advance/join and can't join "conflicting" guilds. I think the Morrowind style here is the way to go, you had to be a certain level in some skills before you could join a House or Guild and if you were  a member of one Faction you could not join some of the others.

4. Give actual benefits to being in a guild, other than equipment. For example, if they bring back spell crafting, make it so you have to be a member of the mages guild to use it (similar to Oblivion, prior to the wizard's tower DLC).

5. Rework enchanting so that it doesn't make looting obsolete. Maybe add more lootable items that have multiple enchantments on them but keep the enchanting skill to just one enchantment per item.
Early in the game when your enchanting skill is low then looting items is viable but later on I never bothered as I could make enchantments way better myself than anything in the game.

6. Get rid of leveled loot, or make it so that it either automatically improves with your level after you acquire it, or so that you can use smithing to improve it. If they don't want to do either of those, add stat/level requirements to items to eliminate the "rush to find all of the best items at low level" problem. This was a disappointment in Skyrim, you completed a quest and got a reward which was near useless.

7. Improve Destruction magic so that it doesn't become obsolete. Never really used this, probably why!

8. Add an "evil" main quest line - i.e. You can join the enemy YES PLEASE! Or a choice in your major decisions which have more implications in the game. The Stormcloak vs Imperials did not feel like you were part of something that moved you, at least for me anyway. I went back after completing the quest and re-loaded an earlier save and played the the game like that. I preferred Whiterun the way it was.

9. A light spell that you can toggle on and off and just takes up a reserve of your magicka. I get tired of having to recast "candlelight" all the time. The lighting was good enough to see most things in the dark which took away lots of realism and nerves...lol

10. Come up with alternate designs of all equipment that can only be created with the smithing skill.
  This shouldn't be that difficult for Bethesda to include in the game and would be nice.

What do you think?