Tuesday 28 January 2014

Sigrun Dal - MOD - More Landscaping

So I have been spending loads of time adding landscape features to make this side of the valley interesting.

Adding trees and rocks etc

A view through the Guard House towards the Barrow.

Interesting features near the Barrow.

Views from the top of the Barrow looking over the water towards the other side of the valley.

Once I am finished the landscaping it will be time to start working on my least favourite part ..the Navmesh!

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Sigrun Dal MOD - Nordic Barrow

Further along the valley I have started to add an entrance leading to an underground Barrow. The above picture is a view of the Barrow just as you pass the Guard Hut across the bridge. picture below.

I have added Standing Stones ruins and the Eagle Statue to continue my theme.

 Above you see the Barrow which will lead underground to the tombs etc.

Below is the view looking from the Barrow towards the bridge.

Here is a picture of the entrance. and some views across the water from the top of the Barrow.

More work to be done here so stay tuned.

Monday 6 January 2014

Sigrun Dal - MOD - Nordic Temple Revised

So after looking at the Temple I decided that it was to large for the relatively small half of the valley, so I set about reworking it.

I thought about having a platform that rituals are carried out on with the people looking on from below and maybe the Thane or Lord sitting on his throne looking down onto the ceremony.

Here is a picture of the platform with the throne looking over the altar table.

A different view from slightly higher up the stairs, almost what the Thane's view would be looking down onto the platform and the people further below that.

Another view from the platform looking at the area where the crowds would be gathered.

This is the viewpoint of the people gathered at the bottom of the platform looking up at the alter.

A view from further back, just as you cross the bridge.

This is a guard hut where crowd control would be handled from.

Much happier with this layout, there is a lot that I can work with here in terms of quests and dialogue.

Next up adding more ruins to this side of the valley.