Friday 30 November 2012

Returning to Whiterun

I wake up with Sven’s drum beating in my head or at least that’s what it feels like. I wash in the coldest water I kind find and have some breakfast, no mead for me now just plain water.
Once I can think without my brain hurting I realize there is nothing more for me to learn here, no one has recognized me. I will return to Whiterun today.

I pack my gear and head out of town via the same route I arrived. Crossing the bridge I notice that there is a path, not well worn, that looks to bisect the mountain. I take the path hoping for a short cut. 

Reaching the highest point of the path the snow starts to fall around me, soft flakes of white fluff. I stop a moment and enjoy the wonderland.

About half an hour later I head down the mountain and the weather clears allowing me to take in the majesty of the tundra and mountains bordering it.

At the bottom of the mountain I survey the tundra trying to spot some game.

 I don’t see anything in the way of game so I decide to do some more exploring while I am here. I head roughly towards Whiterun while trying to cover some new ground.A short time later I am hailed by a stranger, a Vigilant of Stendarr.

I greet her warmly and ask if she has seen any deer.

She answers ‘A Vigilant of Stendarr only hunts undead and more specifically Deadra.’ Pretty serious group of people I think to myself.

I assure her I am very much alive and have seen no undead of any kind today. We go our separate ways.

Scanning the ground for spoor I hear what sounds like Mammoths and follow the noise until I discover a giant’s camp! The giant spots me and waves his club above his head in a threatening manner.

Time for me to leave!

I backtrack and make my way around the camp glancing back often to ensure the giant is not following me.


An arrow hits me in the chest; luckily my steel armour deflects the shaft, the wind driven from my lungs my thoughts are instantaneously focused on where the arrow came from. I crouch behind my shield for protection as a skeleton rushes up and lands a savage blow to my raised shield.

Angry that I was taken unawares I lash out and after trading several mighty blows I hack the skeletons head clean off, I deal with a second skeleton in a similar fashion.

Where is that Vigilant of Stendarr now when I could have used her help!

Next to the shattered bones of the skeletons I see an altar and on it a dead acolyte.

Some dark ritual that went wrong? Maybe the skeletons turned on their master? No one will ever know now.

Surveying the area I see what looks to be the reason, a lone skeleton not far away standing amongst some ritual stones of some kind.

I hurriedly take cover behind some bushes in case it spots me.

It seems different than the ones I have just hacked apart; perhaps this lone skeleton is the master which commanded its minions to deal with the acolyte?

Not wishing to engage this lone skeleton I work my way around the area and continue on in the direction of Whiterun.

Shortly afterward I come across some standing stones; the tundra is full of surprises today.

Scouting the area carefully I can see it’s devoid of creatures both alive and dead. Moving to the centre of the stones I see what must be some kind of puzzle.

Figuring out the correct arrangement of marker stones nearby I turn the lever and a metal grate opens to reveal some stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs I see a skeleton, dead this time, the poor fellow was probably trapped inside when the grate closed behind him and starved to death.
I descend the stairwell making sure to wedge a large rock between the grate and the opening so that I don’t befall the same fate.

Investigate the body and find no identifying items; inside the chest next to the body I find a few items worth keeping, I stow them in my pack and set off for Whiterun once again.

Back in the city at The Bannered Mare I rent my usual room and settle down for dinner and a well-deserved rest.

I enjoy mingling with the patrons and build on new friendships by regaling them of my tales on the Tundra.

Tired, I turn in early and while lying on my bed I think about the day’s events. Realizing I am no longer completely afraid of danger my over-confidence almost got me killed today. 

I need to keep my wits about me if I want to live a long happy life in Skyrim.


Sunday 25 November 2012

Journey to Riverwood

As usual I rise early and spend a few hours at the chopping block to earn my keep, this time though I find time to enjoy a beautiful sunlit view of the mountains nearby. I will be travelling to the village of Riverwood today and I am told it’s just beyond these very mountains I am looking at.

Returning to the Bannered Mare I break my fast.

Satiated I make my way to my room and pack my gear and ready my weapons, the road might prove dangerous.

Once outside I take a look at what awaits me from the nearest battlement, I marvel at another beautiful vista, all looks peaceful.

With map in hand I make my way out of the city, I follow the directions and pass the Honningbrew Meadery, unfortunately no time to indulge myself now.

I follow the road as it starts winding up the mountain and soon come across a lone wolf eating its prey, it turns on me and I have no choice but to defend myself. Another fine wolf pelt to add to my supply pack and some fresh rabbit for dinner.

I continue along the road and soon come to the signs pointing to Riverwood, it’s just across the small river in front of me.

Crossing over the bridge I enter Riverwood, I can’t help but think that this must be the most idyllic village to live in.

As it is only mid-day I decide to first explore the village. The first building I come to just happens to be The Sleeping Giant Inn.

I pass it by and find the general trading store just across the street, I enter.

Greeting the occupants I close the door behind me. Judging by the response I can tell that all is not well.

The co-owner, Lucan Valerius, eyes me up and down while informing me that a very valuable item has been stolen from his shop. I assure him that I have just arrived in town and know nothing about any such item. I advise him to take the matter up with the local town guards, not wanting to involve myself in the matter.

I exit the Trader and see an old woman on her porch rambling on about dragons; I wonder if the air in the village is tainted with something, the people here are a bit strange.

The old woman’s name is Hilde and she hurriedly tells me that rumours of war are coming out of Helgen a village not very far away from here. I politely move on.

Across the road is the blacksmith.

I stop by and speak with the owner, Alvor, turns out he is sane. I ask permission to tan my wolf pelt and he obliges.

We talk about the local news and the theft while I work my pelt into leather.

Finished I wander around the rest of the village and come across Gerdur who runs the saw mill with her husband Hod. She tells me that I can earn good coin for chopping wood if I am so inclined.

I decide to do just that.

After a couple of hours communicating with the nearby chopping block I return to sell the wood to Hod.

Next I explore the Saw Mill on the north side of the river and meet Faendal. Turns out he is an expert Bowman and he agrees to teach me one or two tricks in exchange for some coin, luckily I just sold some wood.

After my lesson Faendal asks me for help with a problem he has; he is sweet on Lucan Valerius’s, the trader, sister but has some competition from the local bard Sven. I listen patiently to his tale of love and also his plan to dissuade his rival.

‘What is your plan?’ I ask

‘Please deliver this letter to Camilla’ he begs, 'tell her it’s from Sven.'

‘You just wrote it’ I counter

‘I have to blacken his name to have any chance with Camilla’ he begs

Shoving the letter in my hands he takes off. I make my way back to the Riverwood Trading store and present it to Camilla, hoping she won’t ask any questions.

‘Who is it from?’ she asks surprised that a stranger is giving her notes

Not being able to lie, I tell her the truth. Camilla is not happy about learning that Faendal is trying to blacken Sven’s name. Looks like that is the end of Faenda'ls chances.

I guess you should never get someone else to do your dirty work for you.

Enough local politics for one day, it’s time for some good food and some even better mead. I head back to the Sleeping Giant Inn wondering how it got its name. Did a giant actually sleep at the inn or more likely ‘on’ the inn? Thinking of that image I chuckle to myself.

The fire is a welcome greeting and the smell of meat roasting is equally inviting to my grumbling stomach. I order some of that delicious roast and of course some mead from Orgnar.

From the owner, Delphine, I rent a room.

Delphine seems a bit stern and I bite my tongue before I make a funny comment about the giant sleeping ‘on’ the inn. Taking a seat at one of the tables I savour my roast.

My new drinking buddy, Embry, joins me in drinking several bottles of mead while we listen to Sven playing ‘Ragnar the Red’ a local favourite.

By midnight I make my way to my room and collapse into the clean bed and fall instantly asleep.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Whiterun - Hunting for the First Time

I rise early and head to the chopping block and work away for several hours.

Sweat dripping from my brow I haul my load of wood back to the Inn. Hearing my stomach growling reminds me its also time for my morning meal.

As usual I get paid in gold for my labours.

Today is going to be very interesting; I am heading out to do some hunting. It’s time I restocked my dwindling food supplies and I am also keen to try out my newly improved bow.

Just as I exit the city gates I come across some caravan traders. I remember that Ysolde from Whiterun was looking for a Mammoth Tusk and out of curiosity I ask, nothing this time.

I head off west down the main road and after a short while I come across a broken down house on the outskirts of the city, resting up nearby are  two Imperial soldiers and their prisoner.

The prisoner cries out to me for help, but what I can do against two well-trained soldiers?

Nothing! I leave him to his fate, the gods guide him now.

I continue roaming the plain looking for signs of game, the vistas truly are breath-taking.

I collect all of the herbs I come across; they will make valuable potions when I get back to Whiterun and Arcadia’s shop.

At last I come across some spoor, they look like deer. My tracking skills leave much to be desired but I am sure its deer and they look fresh.

I start to follow the tracks, moving as quietly as possible. After about an hour I spot them, a large male and a smaller female.

Making sure I am downwind, no good letting them catch my scent and bolt, I move towards them hugging the sparse cover as best as I can. I manage to close the gap to within range and drawing back my bow to its maximum; I carefully take aim and then loose my arrow.

It’s straight and true; the arrow hits but fails to penetrate the Stag fully. 

The Stag now enraged bolts off! 

Nothing for it now, I chase after it, doing my best to keep it in view; fortunately the tundra plains are relatively flat so the Stag cannot evade me.

About half a mile later the Stag collapses from lack of blood and exhaustion, I end its misery and thank the gods for the kill.

Catching my breath, I butcher the animal but leave some for the scavengers; after all they must live too.

After I am done I continue the hunt and not much further away I spot the remaining female, she must have stayed close to her partner.

I take aim and loose another shaft. It’s wide, damn! The deer takes off, I follow in hot pursuit.

The deer disappears behind a rocky outcrop and I follow at full speed not really thinking about anything else other than filling my lungs with air and keeping a rhythm to my stride.

I round the outcrop of rock and run straight into a man.

Crashing into him we fall to the ground.

I jump up and out of the corner of my eye I see a second man knocking an arrow to his bow.

They don’t look in the mood for idle chit chat so drawing my sword I try to keep the first man, now back on his feet, between the bowman and myself.

Outnumbered, I need to end this quickly, I feint high with my sword and as my opponent raises his shield to parry the non-existent blow I instead stoop as low as possible and hack the man’s foot off.

He shrieks in agony and crumples to the ground. I rush the second man who is circling to get a better shot at me. I plunge my sword into him with all my strength; he should have worn more than a leather deer skin!

Deer hunting of a different sort, ironic? maybe not for him.

I return to the first man who is clutching his severed foot trying to stem the blood flow. 

‘Who are you?’, ‘Why did you attack me?’ I scream

‘Please help me, I am dying!’ he begs in-between sobs.

I ignore his pleas for now, searching the campsite for clues to explain what they were up to; I find, laying on the ground a letter.

Turns out they are drug smugglers.

I return to the smuggler who is now trying to crawl to some kind of safety.

‘Scum, you don’t deserve to live, I hope the wolves eat you alive!’ 

I walk away without a backward glance. Making my way back to Whiterun.

Once in the city I try out my new ingredients at Arcadia’s shop and nearly burn my eyebrows off. 

I  need to be more careful in future!

The sun is sinking in the sky and I head for the Inn a drink of ale and some food, maybe I will need more than one drink after the drug smuggler encounter.

I relax with the Patrons and wile away a few more hours thinking of my first hunt and how it nearly cost me my own life.

Still a plaything of the gods it seems.

The ale dulling my senses, I head for my room.

As I gaze at the ceiling from my bed I realize that maybe a ‘good guy’ wouldn’t have left that drug dealer for the wolves.

I drift off to sleep.