Thursday 22 November 2012

Whiterun - Hunting for the First Time

I rise early and head to the chopping block and work away for several hours.

Sweat dripping from my brow I haul my load of wood back to the Inn. Hearing my stomach growling reminds me its also time for my morning meal.

As usual I get paid in gold for my labours.

Today is going to be very interesting; I am heading out to do some hunting. It’s time I restocked my dwindling food supplies and I am also keen to try out my newly improved bow.

Just as I exit the city gates I come across some caravan traders. I remember that Ysolde from Whiterun was looking for a Mammoth Tusk and out of curiosity I ask, nothing this time.

I head off west down the main road and after a short while I come across a broken down house on the outskirts of the city, resting up nearby are  two Imperial soldiers and their prisoner.

The prisoner cries out to me for help, but what I can do against two well-trained soldiers?

Nothing! I leave him to his fate, the gods guide him now.

I continue roaming the plain looking for signs of game, the vistas truly are breath-taking.

I collect all of the herbs I come across; they will make valuable potions when I get back to Whiterun and Arcadia’s shop.

At last I come across some spoor, they look like deer. My tracking skills leave much to be desired but I am sure its deer and they look fresh.

I start to follow the tracks, moving as quietly as possible. After about an hour I spot them, a large male and a smaller female.

Making sure I am downwind, no good letting them catch my scent and bolt, I move towards them hugging the sparse cover as best as I can. I manage to close the gap to within range and drawing back my bow to its maximum; I carefully take aim and then loose my arrow.

It’s straight and true; the arrow hits but fails to penetrate the Stag fully. 

The Stag now enraged bolts off! 

Nothing for it now, I chase after it, doing my best to keep it in view; fortunately the tundra plains are relatively flat so the Stag cannot evade me.

About half a mile later the Stag collapses from lack of blood and exhaustion, I end its misery and thank the gods for the kill.

Catching my breath, I butcher the animal but leave some for the scavengers; after all they must live too.

After I am done I continue the hunt and not much further away I spot the remaining female, she must have stayed close to her partner.

I take aim and loose another shaft. It’s wide, damn! The deer takes off, I follow in hot pursuit.

The deer disappears behind a rocky outcrop and I follow at full speed not really thinking about anything else other than filling my lungs with air and keeping a rhythm to my stride.

I round the outcrop of rock and run straight into a man.

Crashing into him we fall to the ground.

I jump up and out of the corner of my eye I see a second man knocking an arrow to his bow.

They don’t look in the mood for idle chit chat so drawing my sword I try to keep the first man, now back on his feet, between the bowman and myself.

Outnumbered, I need to end this quickly, I feint high with my sword and as my opponent raises his shield to parry the non-existent blow I instead stoop as low as possible and hack the man’s foot off.

He shrieks in agony and crumples to the ground. I rush the second man who is circling to get a better shot at me. I plunge my sword into him with all my strength; he should have worn more than a leather deer skin!

Deer hunting of a different sort, ironic? maybe not for him.

I return to the first man who is clutching his severed foot trying to stem the blood flow. 

‘Who are you?’, ‘Why did you attack me?’ I scream

‘Please help me, I am dying!’ he begs in-between sobs.

I ignore his pleas for now, searching the campsite for clues to explain what they were up to; I find, laying on the ground a letter.

Turns out they are drug smugglers.

I return to the smuggler who is now trying to crawl to some kind of safety.

‘Scum, you don’t deserve to live, I hope the wolves eat you alive!’ 

I walk away without a backward glance. Making my way back to Whiterun.

Once in the city I try out my new ingredients at Arcadia’s shop and nearly burn my eyebrows off. 

I  need to be more careful in future!

The sun is sinking in the sky and I head for the Inn a drink of ale and some food, maybe I will need more than one drink after the drug smuggler encounter.

I relax with the Patrons and wile away a few more hours thinking of my first hunt and how it nearly cost me my own life.

Still a plaything of the gods it seems.

The ale dulling my senses, I head for my room.

As I gaze at the ceiling from my bed I realize that maybe a ‘good guy’ wouldn’t have left that drug dealer for the wolves.

I drift off to sleep.

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