Sunday 25 November 2012

Journey to Riverwood

As usual I rise early and spend a few hours at the chopping block to earn my keep, this time though I find time to enjoy a beautiful sunlit view of the mountains nearby. I will be travelling to the village of Riverwood today and I am told it’s just beyond these very mountains I am looking at.

Returning to the Bannered Mare I break my fast.

Satiated I make my way to my room and pack my gear and ready my weapons, the road might prove dangerous.

Once outside I take a look at what awaits me from the nearest battlement, I marvel at another beautiful vista, all looks peaceful.

With map in hand I make my way out of the city, I follow the directions and pass the Honningbrew Meadery, unfortunately no time to indulge myself now.

I follow the road as it starts winding up the mountain and soon come across a lone wolf eating its prey, it turns on me and I have no choice but to defend myself. Another fine wolf pelt to add to my supply pack and some fresh rabbit for dinner.

I continue along the road and soon come to the signs pointing to Riverwood, it’s just across the small river in front of me.

Crossing over the bridge I enter Riverwood, I can’t help but think that this must be the most idyllic village to live in.

As it is only mid-day I decide to first explore the village. The first building I come to just happens to be The Sleeping Giant Inn.

I pass it by and find the general trading store just across the street, I enter.

Greeting the occupants I close the door behind me. Judging by the response I can tell that all is not well.

The co-owner, Lucan Valerius, eyes me up and down while informing me that a very valuable item has been stolen from his shop. I assure him that I have just arrived in town and know nothing about any such item. I advise him to take the matter up with the local town guards, not wanting to involve myself in the matter.

I exit the Trader and see an old woman on her porch rambling on about dragons; I wonder if the air in the village is tainted with something, the people here are a bit strange.

The old woman’s name is Hilde and she hurriedly tells me that rumours of war are coming out of Helgen a village not very far away from here. I politely move on.

Across the road is the blacksmith.

I stop by and speak with the owner, Alvor, turns out he is sane. I ask permission to tan my wolf pelt and he obliges.

We talk about the local news and the theft while I work my pelt into leather.

Finished I wander around the rest of the village and come across Gerdur who runs the saw mill with her husband Hod. She tells me that I can earn good coin for chopping wood if I am so inclined.

I decide to do just that.

After a couple of hours communicating with the nearby chopping block I return to sell the wood to Hod.

Next I explore the Saw Mill on the north side of the river and meet Faendal. Turns out he is an expert Bowman and he agrees to teach me one or two tricks in exchange for some coin, luckily I just sold some wood.

After my lesson Faendal asks me for help with a problem he has; he is sweet on Lucan Valerius’s, the trader, sister but has some competition from the local bard Sven. I listen patiently to his tale of love and also his plan to dissuade his rival.

‘What is your plan?’ I ask

‘Please deliver this letter to Camilla’ he begs, 'tell her it’s from Sven.'

‘You just wrote it’ I counter

‘I have to blacken his name to have any chance with Camilla’ he begs

Shoving the letter in my hands he takes off. I make my way back to the Riverwood Trading store and present it to Camilla, hoping she won’t ask any questions.

‘Who is it from?’ she asks surprised that a stranger is giving her notes

Not being able to lie, I tell her the truth. Camilla is not happy about learning that Faendal is trying to blacken Sven’s name. Looks like that is the end of Faenda'ls chances.

I guess you should never get someone else to do your dirty work for you.

Enough local politics for one day, it’s time for some good food and some even better mead. I head back to the Sleeping Giant Inn wondering how it got its name. Did a giant actually sleep at the inn or more likely ‘on’ the inn? Thinking of that image I chuckle to myself.

The fire is a welcome greeting and the smell of meat roasting is equally inviting to my grumbling stomach. I order some of that delicious roast and of course some mead from Orgnar.

From the owner, Delphine, I rent a room.

Delphine seems a bit stern and I bite my tongue before I make a funny comment about the giant sleeping ‘on’ the inn. Taking a seat at one of the tables I savour my roast.

My new drinking buddy, Embry, joins me in drinking several bottles of mead while we listen to Sven playing ‘Ragnar the Red’ a local favourite.

By midnight I make my way to my room and collapse into the clean bed and fall instantly asleep.

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