Tuesday 19 February 2013

Skyrim - Dragonborn - My Thoughts

Like many millions of others I purchased Dragonborn as soon as it was released and have played it to death. I must say that I am much more impressed with this DLC than the previous Dawnguard DLC which I thought was a bit overpriced for the content and the quests etc were not very captivating. Perhaps if I was 'into' being a vampire it would have been worth it but as it is I rarely play as a werewolf never mind a vampire.

My apologies if any spoilers are going to be mentioned as I am going to post my overview of the game and some of the quests etc on this blog so don't read if don't want to know.

I was accosted by two acolytes on my travels, they were carrying a note from Miraak ordering my extermination, so naturally I was bound for Solstheim. When you arrive you are greeted by Adril Arano the Second Councillor of Raven Rock, who cant remember for sure who Miraak is but you get a lead to investigate the Shrine. No one else can remember who he is either.

This is the shrine, just to your left as you enter Raven Rock.

I decided not to pursue the main quest straight away as I wanted to check out all my old haunts from Morrowind Bloodmoon so I headed for Raven Rock.

As you head up the dock the building looming above the gap in the wall is the Temple.

This is a view looking back towards the dock.

This is a picture looking down onto the docks with the town behind.

I explored the town first before entering any building just to get a layout of the area. You have a house on its own on the left edge of Raven Rock called Severin Manor. Spoiler - this will become your home on Solstheim when you complete the relevant quests. I always wanted a Redoran style home and in Morrowind I played the game a second time, joining the Redoran Faction, just to get one.

In the center of the town is Lenth Farm. Garyn supplies most of the town's food and you can purchase food items from him.

Part of the Lenth farm is the alchemy table and Milore Lenth that is an apothecary and can offer training as well. She offers a quest to gather samples of Netch jelly for her.

Nearby is the blacksmith Glover Mallory who is the brother of Delvin Mallory in the Thieves Guild in Riften. Glover is also a member of the Guild and will offer you two quests, the first to retrieve an Ancient Nordic Pick Axe which you will need to  mine Stalhrim and the other to recover his Bonemold Armour formula.

This is the Temple building.

Here is the Retching Netch a corner club where everybody hangs out after work and has a few drinks.

Next up is the Bulwark also doubles as the Barracks. The walls and buildings were built to protect the town from the ash storms.

The Councillor's abode Morvayn Manor. Not very impressive for a guy that rules Solstheim.

 The Ebony Mine.

The Caerellius House, home of the guy that runs the mine and offers you the 'Final Descent' Quest.

The picture from the Retching Netch to Caerellius House is courtesy of the UESP Wiki.

The last building in Raven Rock is an Abandoned Building that becomes inhabited after you complete the 'Cleansing the Stones' Quest.

This is a view of the volcano, just on the outskirts of town, responsible for all that ash.

That's it for the overview of Raven Rock.

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